Norte, The End of History is a slow-cinema masterpiece that explores themes of revenge, punishment, and government corruption. The story follows three characters whose lives intersect after a double-murder. As the plot unfolds, the film delves into topics like incest, philosophy, and the consequences of our actions. With stunning long takes and a thought-provoking narrative, this movie challenges the audience's perception of justice and morality.
Starring Ian Veneracion, Jonh Regala, E.R. Ejercito, Gardo Versoza, Jon Hernandez, Tony Ferrer, Johnny Delgado, Rina Reyes, Roldan Aquino, Dick Israel, Shirley Fuentes, Perla Bautista, Suzanne Gonzales, Turko Cervantes, Joboy Gomez, Evelyn Vargas, Edward Salvador and Debrliz / Directed by Toto Natividad
Asedillo is a story about a teacher in a small town in the Philippines who fights against corruption and injustice.
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