Angels in Fast Motion is a gripping crime drama that explores the dark underworld of drugs and the intertwined lives of its characters. With themes of love, addiction, and organized crime, this movie takes viewers on a thrilling and emotional journey.
See You is a drama film that follows a 14-year-old girl who recently lost her twin brother in a car accident. She navigates her grief and new school while using magical realism as a coping mechanism. Through her journey, she explores themes of family relationships and the complexities of teenage life.
In 1971, the Christiania refuge was created in Copenhagen. It became a boundless playground for the adults but perhaps not for the children who were left to themselves while their parents engaged in free sex and drugs.
The autonomous neighborhood, Freetown Christiania, fights for its survival. Due to its open marijuana trade location, Pusher Street, the Danish government decided in the spring of 2003 to raid the small commune and convert it into a conventional neighborhood.
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