Superbook, also known as Animated Parent and Child Theatre, is an anime television series initially produced by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan in conjunction with the Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States and more recently solely produced by CBN for global distribution and broadcast. The series chronicled the events of the Bible's Old and New Testaments in its 52 episode run. The first 26 episodes aired from October 1, 1981 to March 29, 1982. The series returned as Superbook II with 26 episodes to air from April 4, 1983 to September 26, 1983. Between both series in the first run was the companion series The Flying House. The Christian Broadcasting Network is currently producing a new Superbook series and has released fourteen episodes.
Get ready to love your veggies! The beloved faith-based brand has a fresh new look as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and all their Veggie friends venture off the countertop for the first time ever in an all-new television series, available exclusively on Netflix. Every episode also features a brand-new, upbeat silly song as the Veggie crew embarks on new adventures throughout their house. This loveable comedy stays true to the roots of the VeggieTales brand by seamlessly weaving in strong moral messages that will capture the hearts of Veggie lovers of all ages.
Corky, Angey, and Justin are playing hide and seek in the woods when a sudden storm appears and they come upon a house in the woods. They go inside and meet Professor Bumble and his Solar Ion Robot, SIR. They discover the house is a flying time machine and a sudden mishap send them into the past where they end up witnessing events from The Bible's New Testament as they keep trying to get home.
Davey and Goliath is a 1960s stop-motion animated children's Christian television series. The programs, produced by the Lutheran Church in America, were produced by Art Clokey after the success of his Gumby series. Each 15-minute episode features the adventures of Davey Hansen and his "talking" dog Goliath as they learn the love of God through everyday occurrences.
Bibleman is a Christian superhero who uses his faith and the power of God to fight villains and spread the message of Christianity. With his cape and Bible sword, he defeats evil and teaches important Christian values to children and families.
The series is a non-sectarian educational collection of stories from the Hebrew Bible, intended to foster positive values and character traits in young people.
Fr. John teaches his friends parables from the Bible and examples in the lives of the Saints.
The PTL Club, later called The Jim and Tammy Show, and in its last days PTL Today and Heritage Today, was a Christian television program first hosted by evangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, which ran from 1974 to 1989. The PTL Club, which adopted a talk-show format, was the flagship television program of the Bakkers' PTL Satellite Network. It was one of the first Christian broadcasts in the U.S. to deal with the subject of homosexuality.
The 700 Club is a popular Christian talk show that has been on the air since 1966. It covers a wide range of topics including news, interviews, and religious commentary. The show has a conservative Christian perspective and often features discussions on topics such as fundamentalism, prosperity gospel, and the electronic church. It is a platform for televangelists and promotes conservative Christianity.
Dr. Wonder's Workshop is an American Christian children's show targeted largely to a deaf/hard-of-hearing populace, and airs nationally on the Smile of a Child network during the week, and on TBN Saturday mornings as part of their Smile of a Child block. A few local independent stations also air the show as well. The main characters are all deaf, and speak in American Sign Language. For non-deaf viewers, the show is done with voiceover narration, and a Spanish-language closed-captioning is also provided as well as English closed-captioning by the National Captioning Institute. The show is produced by Silent Blessings/Deaf Ministries, based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Colby Clubhouse is a children's television show that teaches principles from the Bible through songs and everyday situations. It was written and produced by Peter and Hanneke Jacobs and was originally aired on Trinity Broadcasting Network, with Peter Jacobs playing the part of Colby. It originally aired from 1981 to 2000 with several changes of cast members. The last original show was made in 2000. 56 different episodes were aired from the 1994 through 2000 seasons. On December 30, 2006, Colby's Clubhouse dropped from TBN, although it remains on the network's Smile of a Child digital subchannel. Two records were produced, as were several videos.
Hour of Power is a weekly American Christian television program. It was previously hosted by Sheila Schuller Coleman, her brother, Robert A. Schuller, and her father, Robert H. Schuller, who founded the program. It is broadcast from the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. The program is normally one hour long, but some networks broadcast an edited 30 minute program. It features a large congregation, mostly Christian music with a choir and guests who speak about how God and their Christian faith have changed their lives for the better.
Worship service featuring in-depth studies, based upon scripture, to help understand and learn to enjoy Bible prophecy.
In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley is a television series sponsored by In Touch Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and hosted by Charles Stanley. The series airs on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and began airing in 1990. On one episode dated September 11, 2011, it hosted a 10th anniversary remembrance of the terrorist attacks on the September 11 attacks, which featured stories of those who survived the attack.
A 7-part DVD series contrasting Creation Science with the theories of evolution Dr. Kent Hovind, founder of Creation Science Evangelism, is dedicated to proclaiming scientific evidence which supports the Biblical account of a literal six-day creation. As guest lecturer for public and private schools, universities, churches, camps, debates, and TV and radio programs, he has been traveling internationally giving seminars on creation versus evolution since 1989. His extensive study and research make Dr. Hovind one of the world's foremost authorities on science and the Bible.
Religious Show of Mother Angelica, a key founder of EWTN.
A solid case for Jesus Christ using a combination of creation, biblical astronomy and archaeology.
Divine Restoration, or DR, is a religious renovation television series. Created by Canada's VisionTV, instead of renovating homes like most shows, it renovates houses of worship. Hosted by Jim Codrington and Catherine Burdon, the series actually taps into the talents of the congregation. Instead of hiring electricians, plumbers, carpenters, architects, etc., DR finds people of relevant professions to donate their time to lead the rest of the parish's members in the work. The series aims to not discriminate against particular faiths, representing as many denominations as possible. They have renovated in locations as distant from each other as Toronto, Halifax, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal, New York, Montgomery, Orlando, Atlanta, New Orleans, Chicago and Milwaukee.