In 'The Student,' a high school student in Russia begins to challenge his teacher's religious beliefs, leading to conflict and turmoil within the school. As he becomes more outspoken and provocative, his actions spark discussions about religious fundamentalism, homosexuality, and the role of faith in modern society.
A family shipwrecked on an island must deal with escaped convicts and pirates.
America's 50-million strong Evangelical community is convinced that the world's future is foretold in Biblical prophecy - from the Rapture to the Battle of Armageddon. This astonishing documentary explores their world - in their homes, at conferences, and on a wide-ranging tour of Israel. By interweaving Christian, Zionist, Jewish and critical perspectives along with telling archival materials, the filmmakers probe the politically powerful - and potentially explosive - alliance between Evangelical Christians and alliance that may set the stage for what one prominent Evangelical leader calls "World War III."
The third and final evangelical cinema collaboration between Rev. Estus Pirkle and directors Ron and June Ormond depicts the glory of Heaven - with a clear warning for what awaits sinners.
Independent documentary exposing the bizarre teachings of the LDS Church, which portrays itself as part of mainstream Christianity.
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