19 Kids and Counting is a documentary TV show that follows the lives of the Duggar family, a large family with nineteen children. The show depicts their conservative morals, religious beliefs, and the challenges they face as they navigate through family relationships, home schooling, and their involvement in the Advanced Training Institute.
Harvey Milk, a gay activist, struggles for gay rights and becomes California's first openly gay elected official. He faces homophobia, discrimination, and assassination threats, but continues his fight to create change.
Twenty-seven years ago Gil and Kelly Jo Bates tied the knot with no plans to have kids. Fast forward 19 kids later and this tight-knit family, seemingly too good to be true, has a tremendous bond but are far from perfect. As you will see, when you have a house full of 19 children, from ages two to 25, daily chaos is multiplied exponentially, but so are the joyful and poignant moments that life can bring.
Get an in-depth look into the secrets and controversies surrounding The Duggars, a mega-family featured in reality TV. Discover the truth beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect image.
Jesus Camp is a documentary that follows a group of evangelical Christian children and their experiences at a summer camp in North Dakota. The film explores the controversial practices and beliefs of the camp, including speaking in tongues, pro-life activism, and the indoctrination of young children. It also delves into the political and social impact of conservative Christian fundamentalism in America.
In 'The Student,' a high school student in Russia begins to challenge his teacher's religious beliefs, leading to conflict and turmoil within the school. As he becomes more outspoken and provocative, his actions spark discussions about religious fundamentalism, homosexuality, and the role of faith in modern society.
Follow the next generation of Duggars as they celebrate some of life’s milestone moments, including the realities of growing up and raising their own families.
Stations of the Cross follows a young girl named Maria who is deeply devoted to her Catholic faith. She grapples with the pressures and expectations of her religious community, particularly her mother who encourages her to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. As Maria faces challenges and encounters different individuals within her community, she begins to question her beliefs and the extreme lengths she is expected to go to in order to prove her devotion.
Jem Starling, a 17-year-old girl raised in a Christian fundamentalist community in Kentucky, finds her passion in dance and develops a forbidden relationship with her magnetic youth pastor, Owen. As her family struggles with secrets and her community condemns her sinful actions, Jem must navigate the consequences of her choices and find her own identity.
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a documentary film that investigates the alleged suppression of academic freedom in relation to intelligent design. The film presents interviews with various scientists, educators, and experts who claim to have faced discrimination and persecution due to their support for intelligent design. It posits a conspiracy within the scientific community to suppress alternative viewpoints and argues for the inclusion of intelligent design in academic discussions. The film also delves into the historical context of the debate, exploring the influences of Darwinism, politics, and religion. Through its content, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed raises questions about the boundaries of scientific inquiry and the freedom of expression within academia.
Lisa, an aspiring songwriter, whose farming family has suffered foreclosure is forced to work at a new, 'urban farm' where she meets Dalia. Her casual racism leads her to be fired but the women end up drawn into a passionate affair.
Lake of Fire is a powerful documentary that delves into the contentious abortion debate in the United States, examining the perspectives of both pro-life and pro-choice advocates. Through interviews and footage, the film explores the deeply held beliefs, extreme actions, and legal battles surrounding the issue.
Charles Darwin's Genius is a TV mini-series that delves into the life and scientific achievements of the renowned biologist. It explores the clash between religion and science, focusing on the controversy surrounding Darwin's theory of evolution. The documentary examines the scientific research and analysis conducted by Darwin, highlighting key concepts such as natural selection and genetics. It also delves into the ideologies of religious fundamentalism and the implications of Darwin's theory on religious beliefs.
Holy Flying Circus is a satirical comedy that tells the story of the controversy surrounding the broadcast of a Monty Python sketch that portrayed Jesus Christ as a regular guy. Set in 1979, the film explores the clash between the Python team and a group of Christian fundamentalists who deemed the sketch blasphemous and called for its ban. It delves into the ensuing debates and the absurdity of censorship. With elements of parody and satire, Holy Flying Circus takes a witty and irreverent look at the clash between art and religion.
After his friends slip him LSD on a camping trip, ultra-nerdy Nancy hallucinates that they are evil beings and begins to systematically hunt them down. Meanwhile, a mysterious corporation monitors the entire event for their own hidden purpose.
America's 50-million strong Evangelical community is convinced that the world's future is foretold in Biblical prophecy - from the Rapture to the Battle of Armageddon. This astonishing documentary explores their world - in their homes, at conferences, and on a wide-ranging tour of Israel. By interweaving Christian, Zionist, Jewish and critical perspectives along with telling archival materials, the filmmakers probe the politically powerful - and potentially explosive - alliance between Evangelical Christians and Israel...an alliance that may set the stage for what one prominent Evangelical leader calls "World War III."
The story of the rise of morals crusader Mary Whitehouse in the UK in the 1960's.
Join Alexandra Pelosi on her journey as she meets and interviews evangelical Christians across America, delving into their beliefs, values, and impact on society.
The third and final evangelical cinema collaboration between Rev. Estus Pirkle and directors Ron and June Ormond depicts the glory of Heaven - with a clear warning for what awaits sinners.
In the summer of 2005 a 16yo Memphis, TN wrote on his MySpace blog about his parents sending him to a "Fundamentalist Christian" program that strives to turn gay teens straight. This documentary follows the inspirational story of this teens local community standing up for their friend with daily protests at the facility in what would become an international news story. The documentary features several former clients of the organization who tell their personal stories about the time they spent within the programs walls.