Heavenly Creatures is a biographical crime drama that tells the story of Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme, two teenage girls in 1950s Christchurch, New Zealand. Their intense friendship leads to the creation of a vivid fantasy world that becomes an escape from their troubled lives. However, when their relationship is threatened, they conspire to commit a shocking and violent crime.
This Traveltalk series short visit to New Zealand starts in Auckland, a bustling, modern city. Next is Christchurch, home of Canterbury University, where rowing teams participate in a regatta. Nearby is Lake Wakatipu, which inspires artists to put their impressions on canvas. We then visit Rotorua, a city famous for its geysers, hot springs, bubbling mud pools, and other geothermal activity. At Ferry Springs there is lots of trout for fishing. Later, a group of natives performs a canoe dance.
When a City Falls is a documentary film that explores the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. The film highlights the impact of the disaster on the city and its residents, showcasing their resilience, struggles, and efforts to rebuild and recover.
Eve and Charlie are about to have a baby but they are no longer together. After years of history and months of separation they have 24 hours to find their way forward. Set in Christchurch, New Zealand one year after the earthquakes that devastated the city. 'Sunday' is a story like the city, one of past devastation and a chance at rebuilding.
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