Set in a high school, 'Dou kyu sei – Classmates' follows the story of two classmates as they navigate the complexities of first love and their growing feelings for each other. The film explores themes of teenage romance, self-discovery, and the challenges faced by young gay individuals in society.
What's Up Doc? is a hilarious and surreal animated movie that tells the story of a hilarious rise to fame in show business. The movie follows the main character, an anthropomorphic rabbit, as he navigates through various challenges and obstacles on his journey to stardom. With its comedic and surreal elements, the movie provides entertainment for both kids and adults.
Join Jean-Baptiste Maunier and the Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Marc vocal ensemble conducted by Nicolas Porte in concert at the Palais des Congrès in Paris.
An actor and two songwriters become rural con men.
A wire-walker, on the run from gangsters, masquerades as a soldier at her boyfriend's Army base.
A mouse and a cuckoo bird, skeptical about the existence of ghosts, are startled by a midnight visit from a sextet of spirits, all men who once wooed a Florador show-girl. The specters do a song-and-dance routine from the gay-90's era of show-business. They all fade away at dawn, leaving the mouse and the cuckoo bird less-convinced skeptics than they were before the witching hour.
Young Gloria's father and mother go out for the evening to see a television broadcast. Gloria's grandfather entertains her with stories about his days in vaudeville.
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