The Mighty follows the story of two boys, Kevin, who has a learning disability, and Max, who is physically disabled, as they form an unlikely friendship. Together, they navigate through the challenges of junior high school, family struggles, and a shared love for literature. Through their bond, they discover that they are stronger together and can overcome anything.
In Carry On Cruising, a group of holidaymakers embark on a cruise ship where romantic entanglements and comedic misadventures ensue. The film is known for its campy humor and innuendo-laden jokes. With a cast of colorful characters, including a ship captain, steward, cook, and doctor, the passengers navigate the high seas in search of love and laughter.
A small-town girl, Connie, marries Bill, a trumpet player in a swing band. As she joins the band on their tour, Connie faces challenges like infatuation, gossip, and manipulation by other women. She also witnesses a breakup of the band and struggles to keep her marriage intact. Despite all odds, Connie manages to reunite the band and find her happily ever after.
Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.
A newlywed discovers her husband is a cheating phony.
Detective Lizzie sets out to recover the stolen plans for an invention.
Ko-Ko wants to learn how chop suey is made, and Ko-Ko and Fitz have their fun with a caricatured Chinese character.
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