The Bélier Family is a heartwarming comedy-drama set in rural France. Paula, a 16-year-old girl, is the only hearing member of her deaf family. Despite her responsibilities on their dairy farm, Paula discovers her exceptional talent for singing. Encouraged by her music teacher, she decides to audition for a prestigious singing competition. However, pursuing her dreams means leaving her family behind and facing various challenges. The movie explores themes of family, love, and self-discovery.
Hearts and Bones follows Dan, a war photographer who is haunted by his past experiences in Sudan. His life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Sebastian, a Sudanese refugee, who brings with him a photograph that raises questions about Dan's own involvement in the conflict. As Dan becomes entangled in Sebastian's story, he must confront his own trauma and make difficult decisions about his future.
A 1967 pseudo-documentary film chronicling the travel experiences of The Young Americans choir. It was given an Academy Award in 1969, though it was revoked because it was released in 1967 and was thus ineligible, the only film in history to have done so.
Desi (12) spends her days dreaming on the beaches of her hometown of becoming a famous singer but her goal is threatened by lies, the ever-presence of child prostitution, and the looming sinister betrayal from those who should protect her most.
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