Boychoir tells the story of a talented but rebellious young boy in a Texas choir school, who finds his voice and his place in the world through an unlikely friendship with a demanding choir master. With the help of his new mentor, he is able to overcome his troubled past and become a true artist.
The Little Thief is a film set in 1950s France, following the story of a teenage girl with a talent for stealing. She navigates through various challenges such as love triangles, an approved school, a cheating lover, and a lack of money. The film explores themes of precocity, escape, and the complexities of growing up.
Godless is a drama film about a Bulgarian nurse who accidentally kills a thief. She must navigate through the aftermath, including dealing with her drug addiction and the relationships in her life, such as her mother-daughter relationship and her boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. As she faces the consequences of her actions, she also becomes involved in a court case and uncovers a dark underworld of black-market activities.
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