The show follows the lives of two brothers, Charlie and Alan Harper, after Alan's divorce. Charlie is a bachelor who enjoys a hedonistic lifestyle, while Alan is a neurotic chiropractor. The two brothers must navigate their complicated relationships with their mother, ex-wives, and Alan's son, all while living together in Malibu, California.
Mourning his dead child, a haunted Vietnam War veteran attempts to uncover his past while suffering from a severe case of dissociation. To do so, he must decipher reality and life from his own dreams, delusions, and perceptions of death.
Ed Wood is a dark comedy that follows the life of the eccentric filmmaker Ed Wood, known for his low-budget and unconventional movies. The film explores Wood's misfit nature, his unconventional director-actor relationships, and his struggles to create art in the face of incompetence.
When two polar-opposite families are forced to camp together, the dads struggle to hold onto their families and marriages as they compete for the coveted camp trophy.
After a book release party, a reclusive writer struggling with abandonment issues and alcoholism becomes a celebrity when his self-help book becomes a bestseller. As he tries to navigate newfound fame, he forms unexpected relationships with a chiropractor, a receptionist, and a young boy, leading to a romantic reconciliation and a revelation about his past.
House of Fury is an action-comedy movie released in 2005. Teddy, a retired secret agent and skilled martial artist, runs a chiropractic clinic and lives a peaceful life with his two children. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when they encounter a mysterious woman who claims to be a former student of Teddy. Together, they must uncover secrets, confront dangerous enemies, and protect their family.
Almost Adults follows two best friends in the final year of college as they transition into adulthood. One embraces her sexuality and tries to move on from her crush on her roommate, while the other struggles with her long-term relationship with her boyfriend. Together, they navigate the challenges of growing up, coming out, and discovering who they truly are.
In Double Whammy, a detective is pushed out of a window while investigating a theft of a necklace. He becomes involved in a rivalry with a tabloid journalist and encounters various eccentric characters along the way. With dark humor and unexpected twists, the movie explores themes of guilt, dysfunctional family, and mannequins.
In The River, a dysfunctional family is faced with the challenges of infidelity, adultery, and extramarital affairs. As they navigate their way through the turmoil, they encounter a variety of characters and situations that test their relationships and sense of self. With a backdrop of a polluted river and a street market, the family struggles to find happiness and connection in a world filled with alienation and loneliness.
Year of the Comet (1992) is a movie that follows the story of a wealthy young woman who becomes involved in a thrilling adventure when she sets out to recover a rare and valuable bottle of wine. Along the way, she encounters danger, romance, and a secret formula that could change the world.
Tokyo Idols is a documentary that explores the phenomenon of idol singers in Japan, showcasing their impact on Japanese culture and the devotion of their fans. The film delves into the lives of young idols and the challenges they face in the industry.
When a chiropractor moves to Southern California, he becomes involved in a series of misadventures, including getting caught up in a surfer rivalry and a femme fatale's scheme to steal a Rolls-Royce.
30 Beats is a comedy romance set during a heat wave in New York City. The film follows ten characters who are all connected in some way, exploring their relationships, desires, and the search for intimacy in the midst of the sweltering summer.
Come Back, Little Sheba follows a couple, Doc and Lola, who are struggling with a dysfunctional marriage and the consequences of their past mistakes. They navigate their relationship as they try to overcome their personal demons and find solace in the midst of their troubled lives. The film explores themes of addiction, infidelity, and the search for redemption.
Girls growing up in 1960-61 London develop a passion for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, the first British team in the 20th century to win the English league and FA Cup "double". Twenty years later, one of the girls tracks down players of the '60-'61 Spurs for a documentary.
A Ballerina's Tale (2015) follows the story of a prima ballerina as she navigates through the challenges of stereotypes in the ballet industry. The documentary explores her focused dedication, pain tolerance, and making history in the ballet world. It also delves into her journey of overcoming a tibia fracture and the physical therapy she underwent to continue pursuing her passion. The film highlights her achievements with the American Ballet Theatre and captures her rise to success.
A newspaper reporter poses as a maid to get a story on a runaway heiress. They fall in love and must overcome various obstacles to be together.
In 'The Naked Man,' a man discovers his talent for professional wrestling and becomes a masked wrestler while maintaining his day job as a chiropractor. When his parents are murdered, he embarks on a mission to seek revenge. The film explores the downward spiral he goes through and his struggle for justice.
A mother recently confined to a wheelchair moves into her daughter’s home, but suggestions that the house is haunted and strange behavior by her daughter’s boyfriend send her on a journey into madness.