Confessions of a Superhero is a documentary film that delves into the lives of the costumed street performers on Hollywood Boulevard. It follows the struggles and aspirations of these individuals who dress up as superheroes to entertain tourists and make a living. The film provides an intimate and revealing look into the hopes, dreams, and challenges faced by these unique characters. Through interviews and personal stories, the documentary offers a glimpse into the personal lives of the performers and explores the motivation behind their chosen profession.
Zhao Li manages a Sichuan Opera troupe that lives and performs together in a rundown theatre in the outskirts of Chengdu. When she receives an order of demolition, she hides the news, fearing that this could spell their end. Secretly, she wouldn’t mind stopping since their life has become harder over the years. But what else can she do? She also worries that her niece Dan Dan, their star, will leave them for a better future in the city. To keep her troupe “family” together, Zhao Li begins a search for a new theatre for them to both sing and live in. As she struggles with bureaucracy, the characters from the opera world that she uses to escape her troubles begin to seep into her real life…
A hilarious and oddly moving look at the exploits of celebrity look-a-likes and film character performers on Hollywood boulevard over the span of a year.
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