Ikiru follows the story of Kanji Watanabe, a government official who is diagnosed with stomach cancer. Realizing that he has limited time left to live, Watanabe embarks on a quest to find meaning in his life. Through his journey, he discovers the importance of making a positive impact on others and finding happiness in the small moments. This poignant drama explores themes of mortality, loneliness, and the search for purpose.
In 'My Mistress', a young boy starts a forbidden love affair with his enigmatic mistress, leading to unexpected consequences.
Ivy is pursued by first love Miyo, but is in a relationship with Bianca, who happens to be Miyo's boss. Meanwhile, Miyo's ex April pursues Miyo, but is also open to a threesome with Ivy? Which one tastes like love?
An unwed mother-to-be marries a total stranger so he can avoid the draft. She now has a father for her child and he doesn't have to go to Vietnam. But this marriage-of-convenience leads to a romance between the two.
Warner Bros. animated short featuring the song 'Let's Put Out the Lights (and Go to Sleep)'
Samuel is ten years old and is madly in love with Lucía, who is twelve years old and has a master plan to get rid of the only obstacle left in her life to get what she wants: to be a writer, film critic, and rich.
Alexandra Jackonetti recounts the building of a children's playground of macrame in Bolinas, Calif., including her conception of the project and the process of obtaining community financial support, knotting of macrame, and erection of the structure.
A Vietnam vet, Jud Carney. returns to Los Angeles at Christmas time, finds out it's not how he thought it was going to be. When Jud discovers his fiancee has left him, he moves into a boarding house peopled with "types." Flashback memories of the war and the suicide of fellow house resident, reduce Jud to a broken and bitter man.
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