The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main characters included Armstrong the Chicken Hawk, Ollie the Tapir, Bunnie Bear, Tizzy the Bee, Yves St. La Roache, Rhonda Rat, and Dullard the Aardvark. Structured as a talk show, the hosts interviewed two guest animals in each episode. The animals talked about themselves and showed clips of their real-life counterparts.
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3 is a surreal and disturbing puppet film that delves into themes of media manipulation, intolerance, and societal contradictions. The film follows the journey of the characters as they navigate a world filled with absurdism, sensitivity, and indifference. Through catchy musical numbers and thought-provoking visuals, it raises questions about brainwashing, religion, and arranged marriages. The film also touches upon topics like friendship, love, and the isolation that can come from societal norms.
Take a detailed look at the famed, iconic Canadian television show 'Mr. Dressup' that impacted multiple generations. Follow its 39 year presence on television and its ongoing legacy.
Paul and Barry set off for Morocco in search of an old treasure map which is being used as a table cloth in a restaurant and end up on a mad-cap adventure.
TUGS: A Bigg Retrospective is the definitive film telling the story of how the 1989 cult classic series 'TUGS' was brought to our TV screens, and how it survived beyond its premature end.
A review channel covers the mystery of a beloved children’s lollipop factory that shut down years prior after a devastating malfunction
Young siblings Dan and Helen must protect their new friend, a strange blue alien boy they name Peep-Peep, from the terrifying evil alien known only as The Thin (Space) Man, who's after him.
Recorded live at the York Theatre, the Chuckle Brothers bring their unique style of slap-stick family fun to the stage with hilarious consequences
Frida, an 8-year-old engineering prodigy, builds an airplane behind her mother's back to follow in her Abuela's legacy.
From 1945 to 1989, after the capitulation of Nazi Germany, two rival ideologies, communism and capitalism, faced each other in a merciless battle. On one side of the Iron Curtain and on the other, throughout the Cold War, the USSR and the United States sought to shape children’s imaginations through their magazines and films. Never in the history of mankind have so many comic books been published and so many cartoons produced for young people. In November 1989, communism collapsed with the Berlin Wall; capitalism was left to decide the future of the world. What if this victory had been prepared for a long time, and our thinking conditioned, from our early childhood, to ensure this absolute triumph?
During his morning routine, a teenager finds a mysterious tape containing an episode of a once lost children's television show that should have stayed forgotten. Will it illicit a reaction? Or is he just as desensitised as everybody else his age?
The Chuckle Brothers go off to visit a long lost relative. However, when they arrive at their hotel they find a lot more than they bargained for! Spooky ghosts are everywhere and the brothers volunteer to help the hotel manager rid the hotel of the ghouls. Before long they are causing mayhem and merriment whilst chasing out the ghosties and creating havoc throughout the hotel!
Recorded live during their 2005 sell-out tour Pirates of the River Rother, The Chuckle Brothers find themselves mistakenly aboard a pirate ship. Before long they are causing mayhem and merriment whilst tackling pirates and looking for treasure during their hilarious adventures on the high seas!
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