Shugo Chara! centers on elementary school girl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality. When Amu wishes for the courage to be reborn as her would-be self, she is surprised to find three colorful eggs the next morning, which hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su.
Andaz Apna Apna is a comedy film about two slacker friends who pretend to be wealthy to win the heart of an heiress. Their attempts to impress her lead to a series of hilarious situations and misunderstandings.
Chop Shop (2007) tells the story of an orphaned boy named Alejandro, who lives and works in a chop shop in Queens, New York City. He dreams of saving enough money to buy a food truck and start his own business. However, his plans are jeopardized when his sister Isamar runs away and he must find a way to support them both.
Pepot, a young boy, faces various challenges and obstacles as he chases his dream of becoming a superstar. He deals with a dysfunctional family, bullies, and the hardships of showbusiness. Along the way, he discovers the power of writing and tarot readings that shape his journey.
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