During World War II, a young German boy named Jojo discovers that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home. As Jojo forms an unlikely friendship with the girl, his imaginary friend, a childlike version of Adolf Hitler, starts to challenge his beliefs and forces him to confront the realities of war and prejudice.
A young boy named Ted lives in a small rural town with his father. Ted appears to be a normal child, but he harbors dark sociopathic tendencies. When his father is killed in a car accident, Ted's behavior takes a dark turn as he begins a murder spree, targeting both animals and humans. The townspeople are in a state of fear as they try to uncover the truth behind the killings and stop Ted before he strikes again.
When a teenage girl in a small town has a close encounter with a mysterious light, she gains incredible powers. She must navigate her newfound abilities while dealing with the challenges of high school and the scrutiny of her community.
In the city of pirates, a young orphan girl suddenly finds herself caught up in a dream-like experience, filled with macabre and surreal occurrences. As she navigates through this strange world, she encounters multiple personalities, stolen jewels, and a dark mystery that leads her to question her own existence.
A mute child arrives at a children's home and starts terrorizing the other children with her demonic powers.
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