Peep Show is a British sitcom that follows the lives of two socially awkward friends, Mark and Jeremy, who live in a flat-share in London. The show explores their personal and professional lives, their dysfunctional relationships, and their constant inner monologues and cynicism.
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo is an animated TV show that follows the adventures of a group of kids and their talking puppy named Scooby-Doo. Together, they solve mysteries and uncover the truth behind various strange events in their neighborhood. With their intelligence and problem-solving skills, the gang always manages to catch the culprits and bring justice. Join them on their exciting adventures filled with laughter, friendship, and lots of snacks!
In a world overrun by a fungal infection that turns its victims into flesh-eating zombies, a group of survivors including a teacher and a scientist must protect a young girl named Melanie who seems to be immune to the infection. As they journey to a safe haven, they must confront not only the dangers of the infected but also the moral dilemmas of sacrificing one life for the greater good.
Omar, a gangster on the run, seeks refuge in Algiers to avoid his 20-year prison sentence. He must navigate the streets of Algiers while trying to stay hidden from the French authorities.
After his daughter is kidnapped, a single father teams up with a military captain to infiltrate a dangerous gang and rescue her. Along the way, they face horrors and challenges in a dystopian citadel.
An alienated teenage boy runs away from home and ventures to New York City where he falls in with a gang of juvenile delinquents working as drug dealers and pickpockets for a shady crime boss.
Biopic of Spain's Juan Carlos Delgado "El Pera", a young delinquent in the 1980's who is a car pilot and a sport journalist nowadays.
Discovery is just a game. Paula is an eleven-year-old tomboy playing out with her gang of lads in the woods in the last Summer before starting at the big school. Her loyalties are tested as her nascent interest in the much-bullied Rob is spotted by the gang leader, Phil.
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