The Promised Neverland is set in a distant future where a group of orphans live peacefully in an isolated orphanage under the care of their loving caretaker. However, their idyllic existence is shattered when they discover a dark secret - the orphanage is actually a farm where children are raised as food for demons. Now, Emma, Norman, and Ray must come up with an escape plan to save themselves and their fellow orphans from a gruesome fate.
When a young girl tries to write a letter to Santa, she confesses to the mailman that she can't think of what to ask for after her Grandma passed away and her mother has been really sad. Without family to spend the holiday with, the mailman decides that for the next twelve days, he will deliver surprise gifts to the mom to remind her of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
After procuring a special ray gun, a precocious orphan helps his community by exposing the shady doings of local government, and plays a part in a cute couple getting together.
A little girl being hunted by a masked killer in the wilderness
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