In a futuristic city, a doctor investigates the afterlife and experiences the world beyond through spiritism. He encounters lost souls, war footage, and the teachings of a renowned spiritualist.
Chico Xavier is a spiritual medium in Brazil during the 1920s to 1970s. This biographical drama follows his life and the impact of his spiritualism and faith on the Brazilian society. Chico Xavier becomes a spiritual guide and a popular figure in Brazil, promoting spiritualism and helping people find solace.
UFO experts claim that after the explosion of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was an increase in the number of sightings of UFO'S (Unidentified Flying Objects) worldwide. Just over two decades later, the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier confided to close friends that when man reached the moon on July 20, 1969, happened a meeting with the celestial beings of our solar system to check the progress of humanity. They decided to grant a period of 50 years for humanity to evolve morally and live in peace, without provoking a third world war. If we live in peace until the Deadline, humanity would be ready to enter a new era of its existence, and magnificent feats would be checked everywhere, including our brothers from other planets would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly and officially to Earth's residents.
As Mães de Chico Xavier (2011) follows the lives of three different women - Elisa, Lara, and Ruth - who are searching for answers and solace. They find comfort and guidance through the teachings of Chico Xavier, a well-known and highly respected Brazilian medium. As they navigate personal struggles and challenges, the women learn about the power of spirituality and the importance of faith.
Despertar - Data Limite is a thought-provoking documentary that explores various aspects of human consciousness, including spiritism in Brazil, near-death experiences, and unidentified flying objects. It delves into the fascinating life of Chico Xavier and his beliefs while also discussing the moon landing and its impact on humanity. Through interviews and compelling narratives, this film raises important questions about our existence and the limits of data.
Four movies about the Brazilian spiritist medium, Chico Xavier (1910-2002): "The Medium Emmanuel" (1951), "A Light Shines in the Horizon" (1955), "Chico Xavier - From Pedro Leopoldo to Uberaba" (1983) and "The Great Spiritist Medium" (2007). Be moved by the greatness and humility of the medium of Emmanuel, Andé Luiz, Humberto de Campos and other Spirits, psychographing at the Luiz Gonzaga Spiritist Center or working as a writer at the Fazenda Modelo in Pedro Leopoldo (MG), in Brazil.
Chico Xavier is the man of the future! More than a historical record of the intimacy of the man the was elected The Greatest Brazilian of All Time, Pozati Films presents in this documentary the person of Chico Xavier as a viable example for all the beings that will share the World of Regeneration. Looking back, with friends of his intimacy, this film takes its audience around the world to look forward, discovering its leading role in building the new era. When I Remember Chico it is a great audiovisual testament, not only of the examples of love and brotherhood left by Chico, but also of the fruits of the seeds spread by him in the hearts of some of his closest friends.
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