In this coming-of-age comedy drama, a 13-year-old girl experiences the challenges and triumphs of adolescence while dealing with friendship, first love, and complicated family dynamics. Set in 1980s France, she goes through puberty, deals with parental conflicts, and explores her own identity in a changing world.
A woman makes a birthday wish to find true love, and her wish comes true when she meets a charming man. However, she soon realizes that love isn't always as easy as it seems. With the help of her best friend and a little bit of magic, she learns that sometimes the best things come to those who wait.
Alex is a young boy who spends his summer vacation at a summer camp, where he navigates the challenges of growing up, dealing with his overprotective parents, and experiencing his first love.
Thomas and Friends have tall tales to tell. A rumor about Toby spreads, as Henry thinks he's got chickenpox. Thomas blames a made up engine, while Toad spots a stranded whale. Featuring the episodes: Toad and the Whale, Who's Geoffrey?, The Truth About Toby, Lost Property and Henry Spots Trouble.
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