In this Looney Tunes Christmas movie, Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, and the rest of the gang have a change of heart after encountering the spirit of Christmas. In a snow-filled adventure, they travel back in time to meet the Ghost of Christmas Past and learn the true meaning of the holiday.
In this Looney Tunes animated short, Foghorn Leghorn helps Henery Hawk search for a chicken to eat, leading to hilarious encounters and impersonations.
Foghorn Leghorn tries to teach Henery Hawk a lesson by tricking him into hitting a dynamite-filled trunk with a hammer.
Foghorn Leghorn tricks a naive young chicken hawk into believing the barnyard dog is a pheasant.
Foghorn Leghorn travels to the deep south to enjoy the sun, but must contend with two yokelish chicken hawks, Pappy and Elvis, who want to roast him for dinner.
Henery Hawk, making his first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon, refuses the worm his mother is trying to feed him; after all, he's a chicken hawk. That night, he sneaks out to the hen house, but comes up against a protective rooster.
Foghorn Leghorn's sharp-tongued, domineering wife orders him to sit on their egg while she goes out to play bridge, but Foghorn becomes careless, allowing little Henery the Chicken Hawk to take the egg away. Foghorn must retrieve it, or else!
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