The Russian Woodpecker is a documentary that explores the investigation into the mysterious radio signal known as the Russian Woodpecker. This signal, believed to be a Soviet secret weapon, was heard all around the world during the Cold War. The film follows Ukrainian artist Fedor Alexandrovich, who believes there is a connection between the signal and the Chernobyl disaster. As he delves deeper into the history and secrets of the Soviet Union, Fedor uncovers a web of intrigue and conspiracy.
"A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the prize for the best short film of 2000 (Moscow). "A Cloud above paradise" was nominated for the best short feature film award at international festivals: "The Canadian Festival", "The Festival of Short Cinema" in S.Petersburg and Moscow. It aslo was presented on TV in Germany, Canada and the US.
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