Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is set in Universal Century 0087, seven years after the end of the One Year War. The Earth Federation has become corrupt, and a group of rebels known as the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG) is fighting against the oppressive regime. Kamille Bidan, a young civilian with exceptional piloting skills, becomes involved in the conflict when he encounters the mysterious pilot of the Zeta Gundam. As the war intensifies, Kamille must navigate treachery, battles in space, and his own personal feelings to uncover the truth behind the conflict and decide where his loyalties lie.
A group of Marines, led by a former inmate, must stop a rogue general and his group of mercenaries from launching chemical weapons from Alcatraz. They must navigate through dangerous obstacles and face intense combat to save the day.
The Salisbury Poisonings is a TV show based on the true events of the Salisbury poisonings in 2018. It follows the gripping story of a police officer and a public health official as they investigate a nerve agent attack and the subsequent hospitalization of victims. The show delves into the complexities of the case, including the involvement of the British government and the tensions between the East and the West.
Batman and Robin join forces with Batgirl to take on their arch-nemeses Catwoman and the Joker. As they navigate through a plot to jettison Gotham City into space, the Caped Crusaders must use their detective skills and superhero abilities to save the day.
In a near-future world plagued by poverty and ecological disaster, an elite police force equipped with force-field technology is tasked with stopping an evil man who plans to use a deadly chemical weapon. Along the way, they encounter martial arts masters, engage in street shootouts and police shootouts, and face off against a powerful enemy. With the fate of the world at stake, they must fight for justice and confront their own inner demons.
After surviving an assassination attempt by poisoning, a man discovers disturbing truths about the incident and decides to go back home.
When a military chemical weapon is accidentally activated, a scientist and a cook must work together to keep it from exploding, while being pursued by terrorists and government agents.
Set in a provincial town, 'The Ugly Swans' takes place in a dystopian future where genetic mutation and paranormal phenomenon threaten humanity. A gifted student, living with her father, a writer, uncovers a hidden portal to another dimension. As she delves deeper into the mysteries of the forbidden city, she discovers sinister plots involving chemical weapons, alien invasions, and the end of mankind. With the help of a group of scientists and philosophers, she must unravel the truth and prevent the catastrophe that looms over humanity.
In the midst of the Syrian Civil War, a courageous female doctor operates an underground hospital to care for the wounded amidst bombings and sieges. This documentary highlights the challenges she faces and the lives she saves.
Assault on Death Mountain follows a former Navy SEAL who is forced to confront his past when he learns of a terrorist plot to unleash a lethal virus at a remote mining facility. With time running out, he must navigate a deadly game of cat and mouse to stop the attack and save countless lives. As he infiltrates the terrorist camp, he is haunted by war flashbacks and faces both physical and emotional challenges. With the help of a skilled bounty hunter and his own training, he fights to find the antidote and prevent a catastrophe.
In Tank 432, a group of soldiers find themselves trapped in a tank after taking a captive hostage. As tension rises and paranoia sets in, they must confront a mysterious enemy outside. As they try to escape, they uncover dark secrets and face unexpected challenges.
The film is about a group of Las Vegas sexy showgirls who are undercover agents working with a former C.I.A. agent to stop a terrorist attack.
In the midst of the Cold War, a CIA agent is tasked with retrieving a stolen biological weapon prototype before it falls into the wrong hands. With a countdown timer ticking, he must navigate through explosions, shootouts, and car chases to save the world from a deadly toxin.
Special Forces Captain Aldo Paccione must pull together his former world team Delta Force and go deep within the mines of Sardinia when it is discovered that a vengeful band of mercenaries are developing deadly biochemical weapons.
Arsenal is a silent film that tells the story of the events during the Russian Revolution and the aftermath of World War I. It follows a group of Ukrainian soldiers who revolt against the Russian Army and fight for Ukrainian independence. The film explores themes of war, revolution, and the hardships faced by soldiers returning home.
During World War I, a team of British intelligence agents embark on a dangerous undercover mission to retrieve the stolen crown jewels from a German officer.
A hotheaded Alaskan customs agent (Sean Patrick Flannery) unwillingly teams up with a coldhearted but beautiful Soviet agent (Ursula Karven) to capture a rogue Russian general (Arnold Vosloo), selling a shipment of deadly nerve gas. Tensions and passions spin out of control after two agents are left for dead and they must combine forces to survive. They have one chance laft to take out the General and destroy the "Apocalypse in a can" nerve agent, both speeding toward freedom on a runaway mountain train. Unexpected twists and terrifying turns along the way put everyone on a collision course for explosive action, pulse-pounding thrill and a devastating betrayal of trust.
Walnut Tree is a gripping drama set during the Iran-Iraq war, following a father's quest for justice after his family becomes victims of a chemical weapon attack. As he navigates the complexities of war, he finds himself fighting to bring the perpetrators to the International Court of Justice.
A Russian Youth follows a young soldier's journey through the horrors of World War I, highlighting the themes of community, individuality, and the impact of war on the human psyche.
When a time bomb explodes on a Sydney-bound flight, a pilot and a flight attendant must defuse another bomb on the plane before it lands.