Deportees (2007) is a dramatic movie that tells the story of a group of deportees and their struggles to rebuild their lives. Set in a war-torn country, the film explores themes of love, loyalty, and the human spirit. As the deportees navigate through various challenges and obstacles, they find strength and hope in their relationships with each other. With a combination of action, comedy, and drama, Deportees is a heartfelt and powerful film that leaves a lasting impact on its audience.
"Jiyan" takes place in Halabja about five years after Saddam's infamous chemical attack in 1988. Diyari (Kurdo Galali) has come from his new homeland, America, to put up a badly needed new orphanage. As construction proceeds, he gradually becomes acquainted with the tragic individual stories of the survivors. Prime among these is orphan girl Jiyan (Pirsheng Berzinji), and her lively young cousin Sherko (Choman Hawrami). Although he seems to fit right into life in this impoverished town, Diyari can hardly absorb the catastrophe that hit there, nor can he accept the level of injury that he encounters. When the orphanage is ready, Diyari says his goodbyes, plunging Jiyan back into quiet despair.
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