How to Steal a Million is a charming heist comedy set in Paris in the 1960s. Nicole Bonnet, a young woman, discovers that her father is a master forger and her family's art collection is on display at a prestigious museum. To protect her father and his reputation, Nicole teams up with a suave burglar named Simon Demarest to steal a valuable art statuette before it can be exposed as a forgery. As their plan unfolds, they encounter numerous obstacles, including a bumbling detective and a nosy photographer. With wit, romance, and plenty of laughs, How to Steal a Million is a delightful caper filled with twists and turns.
In the small town of Holly Springs, a loafer becomes entangled in a murder plot and finds himself in a love triangle. As he tries to clear his name, he must navigate through a web of deception, gambling, and romantic rivalry.
During World War II, a commander is faced with a difficult decision that will have significant consequences.
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