A documentary directed by Oliver Stone that explores the political and social climate in South America, focusing on the rise of left-wing governments and their challenges in the face of neoliberal globalization. The film takes a critical look at the influence of the International Monetary Fund, media bias, and manipulation on the region's politics, with a particular focus on Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Cuba.
This documentary explores the failed coup attempt against the Venezuelan government in 2002, revealing the role of imperialism, the George W. Bush administration, and the attempts to undermine democracy in Caracas. It delves into the class divide, widespread poverty, and the influence of oil companies and propaganda. The film also analyzes the complicity of the CIA director, the mainstream media, and the US government in this political demonstration, highlighting the tension caused by American imperialism and the struggle for political stability in Venezuela.
The country that once had the highest economic growth in the world is now a benchmark of collapse and misery. I Am The People: Venezuela Under Populism is a documentary film that sets out to expose the skillful mechanisms of authoritarian power in the government initiated by Hugo Chávez and continued by Nicolás Maduro.
A trip with President Chavez over the largest oil reserve in the world, situated beneath the Orinoco river, becomes the occasion in which to enter into the lives of Venezuelans, nine years after the beginning of the Bolivarian revolution.Venezuela en route to socialism: is this still possible in our post-ideological times?
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