Shameless is a dark comedy TV show that follows the lives of the Gallagher family, a dysfunctional group of individuals living on a housing estate in Manchester. The show explores themes of poverty, self-destruction, and family problems, while also incorporating humor and melodrama. It revolves around Frank Gallagher, an alcoholic father, and his six children who often find themselves in various scams and absurd situations. The show provides a raw and raunchy portrayal of working-class life in Northern England.
Misfits follows a group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service program, where they are struck by a mysterious storm and gain superpowers. As they navigate their newfound abilities and deal with their personal issues, they find themselves embroiled in a series of misadventures.
Little Britain is a British comedy TV show known for its scatological and stereotype-driven humor. It features various absurd characters and sketches that satirize different aspects of British society.
The Jeremy Kyle Show, a reality TV talk show, addresses social problems such as domestic violence, exploitation, substance abuse, and more in a confrontational manner. The host, Jeremy Kyle, helps his guests confront their problems and find solutions.
A hilarious sketch comedy series featuring Catherine Tate and her diverse cast of characters. Watch as she brings to life a variety of British comedy sketches, showcasing her talent for comedy and impersonations.
Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection (2012) depicts a horrifying zombie apocalypse that takes place in an isolated farmhouse. A lone survivor and a terrified family struggle for survival against flesh-eating zombies. Set in the English countryside of Wales in the year 2012, this movie explores the themes of family relationships and the fight for survival in the face of the undead.
Sweet Sixteen tells the story of Liam, a teenage boy living in Greenock, Scotland. With his mother in prison, Liam dreams of moving his family into a better life. He resorts to drug dealing and smuggling to earn money, but as his criminal activities escalate, he finds himself entangled in a dangerous web. Determined to protect his family, Liam must navigate betrayal, violence, and the complexities of coming of age.
Adulthood follows the story of a young man who, after serving time in prison, tries to find his place in a crime-ridden neighborhood. He faces challenges involving gangs, drugs, and violence while trying to build a better life for himself.
To Kill a Man tells the story of a man who is pushed to his limits when his family is harassed by a local gang. Frustrated by the police's inability to help, he decides to take matters into his own hands and seek justice.
Alan Partridge, a famous radio presenter, sets out on a road trip through the English countryside to apologize for a controversial sponsorship controversy. Along the way, he encounters a youth gang, investigates a mysterious car stunt, and gets trapped in a warehouse. This mockumentary follows his hilarious and absurd adventures.
Keith Allen meets "lotto lout" Michael Carroll, winner of over £9 million on the UK National Lottery.
Lee Nelson's Well Good Show is a British comedy sketch show, written and presented by Simon Brodkin, and produced by Avalon Television for BBC Three. It features Brodkin hosting a studio based show as his comedy character Lee Nelson, a happy-go-lucky chav, and also features television sketches of Brodkin's other comedy characters.
Set in Paisley, the 'NED' capital of Scotland, this film provides a comprehensive and candid look at the daily lives and habits of these "Non Educated Delinquents", from their pulling tactics to lessons on how to talk like a Ned. We not only get to see life from their point of view, but also from that of the long suffering residents of the city, who don't hesitate to provide us with their unanimous opinion on today's Ned culture: they've got to go!
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