In 'Unfriended,' a group of friends is haunted by a vengeful ghost after they cyberbully and spread rumors about a classmate, leading to a forced suicide. The friends find themselves trapped in a deadly game of supernatural horror as the ghost seeks revenge on each of them, killing them off one by one through supernatural powers. The movie takes place entirely on a computer screen, using Skype and other online platforms to tell the story.
Uncle Kent is a comedy-drama film about an introverted cartoonist named Kent Osborne who has a weekend filled with sexual misadventures. When a houseguest named Kate visits, things take a turn as they explore their unrequited lust and engage in a threesome. Throughout the film, Kent navigates through loneliness, online dating, and his own introspective journey.
Noah, a young man, explores relationships and his own identity through the lens of technology and social media. He experiments with video chats, online dating, and explores the complexities of love and connection in the digital age. As he goes through breakups and searches for meaning, Noah learns about the power of genuine human connection.
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