King is a drama TV show set in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The story revolves around a female police sergeant who leads a task force to solve crimes. Alongside her professional challenges, she also deals with personal dramas, including her struggles with infertility. The show explores the dynamics of a husband-wife relationship and the everyday life of a female police officer. With its focus on police investigations and the complexities of the characters, King offers an engaging and immersive viewing experience.
Annie, an 11-year-old orphan, lives in an orphanage run by a cruel woman named Miss Hannigan. One day, Annie is chosen to spend a week with a billionaire named Oliver Warbucks. As she experiences a taste of luxury and kindness, her positive attitude and resilience inspire those around her.
A revisionist biopic on Charles Darwin, illustrated via 18 tableaux covering details from Darwin's birth, his defining voyage on the HMS Beagle, the publication of his seminal Theory of Evolution and his ultimate death and consequent burial at Westminster Abbey.
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