In this satirical comedy, an American naval officer stationed in London during World War II is assigned to accompany a famous, cowardly, womanizer film director to document the events leading up to D-Day. Along the way, he falls in love with a strong-willed British woman, making him question his own courage and values.
Absence of Malice is a drama, romance, and thriller movie released in 1981. The story revolves around a dedicated newspaper reporter named Megan Carter who unknowingly publishes a story that implicates a businessman named Michael Gallagher in a federal investigation. As a result, Gallagher's life is turned upside down as he faces accusations of organized crime involvement. Throughout the film, Megan and Gallagher form an unlikely bond as they navigate the repercussions of the story and work together to uncover the truth.
Willie the Operatic Whale is a surrealistic opera that tells the story of a singing whale who becomes a sensation at the Metropolitan Opera. However, his newfound fame leads to unexpected consequences and a journey to heaven.
A woman takes her four beautiful daughters to Alaska during the Gold Rush to find their fortune.
Jose is an obsolete man who owns an obsolete business. His store, a technical reparation center that made him feel alive when he was young, it is going to close very soon. One of his last work days, Jose receives the visit of a strange customer.
After accidentally killing her no-good husband, Judy makes her true love promise not to tell her small son about his imprisoned mother. She is released ten years later...
Lady Diana Winham is beautiful, wealthy and a widow, so she's courted. She travels Europe in luxury trains, earning her nickname. One of her riches, a uranium deposit in a South American country, attracts the attention of international secret agents. Lady Diana is at the center of a spider's web, with the French, British and Germans all trying to get their hands on her. Helped by the love of Armando, whom she met in San Miguel, she gives the deposit to her secretary Gérard as a reward for his services.
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