Chances Are (1989) is a heartwarming romantic comedy that explores the themes of love, fate, and second chances. The movie follows the story of an accident-prone woman named Corinne who tragically loses her husband Alex. Little does she know, Alex has been reincarnated as a young man named Louie and their paths are about to cross again. As Corinne and Louie embark on a journey to discover the truth of their connection, they navigate the complexities of love, destiny, and the mysteries of the afterlife.
D.C. Cab follows a group of peculiar taxi drivers in Washington D.C. as they navigate through a series of comedic adventures and mishaps. From driving in reverse to falling into swimming pools, these drivers find themselves in hilarious situations. Along the way, they encounter protests, robberies, rivalries, and even a kidnapping. With their unique personalities and unexpected encounters, this group of taxi drivers brings laughter and chaos to the streets of D.C.
The host of a whodunit radio show finds himself involved in his own mystery when he awakens to find a woman with a knife in her back in his bedroom.
A former U.S. marshal discovers that all of the survivors of his old unit are experiencing the same symptoms simultaneously and there may be a larger conspiracy at hand.
Alex despises Modern Art but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist, he understands that the only way to conquer her heart is to pretend he is an artist. He now must win a Modern Art contest in order to win her heart.
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