Behind the Screen (1916) is a comedy movie that takes a humorous look at the chaotic and exciting world behind the scenes in the early days of Hollywood. The film follows the story of an aspiring actress and her journey through the movie business, encountering various hilarious situations, including crossdressing, pie throwing, and slapstick comedy.
In 2016, UK promotion PROGRESS Wrestling made its maiden voyage to North America to team up with Toronto, Canada’s Smash Wrestling for the first-ever Smash vs PROGRESS summit. On Wednesday, August 7, 2019, the two companies unite once again for another big promotional showdown, as part of the SummerSlam week festivities in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Deep within an English garden under a dark canopy of trees, other-worldly powers are at work which soon become a theatre for a malevolent puppeteer.
"A splendid picture showing this notable family of jugglers in their restaurant scene, in which they toss dishes and chairs about with marvelous dexterity."
Four robbers plan their next heist in their hideout in a small town. They discusses their plan during a steamboat dinner, unknown to them one of them is working for the cops.
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