Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous follows six teenagers who become stranded on Isla Nublar after a dinosaur outbreak at the newly opened Camp Cretaceous. As they try to find a way to escape the island, they must navigate through dangerous encounters with various dinosaurs and uncover the secrets of Jurassic Park. Will they be able to survive and make it back home?
Dinosaur King follows the adventures of Max, Rex, and Zoe as they discover dinosaur cards that enable them to bring dinosaurs to life. They travel through time and explore different locations, battling with other dinosaur enthusiasts and saving dinosaurs from evil forces.
A documentary showcasing the world's many different animal species, both past and present.
When Dinosaurs Roamed America takes you through the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods to discover the diverse and fascinating world of dinosaurs. Witness the rise and fall of different species, the effects of environmental changes, and the ultimate mass extinction event that wiped out these magnificent creatures.
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