Cloud Atlas follows the lives of six individuals across different eras, showing how their actions and kindness ripple through time, leading to a revolution. Through their stories, the film explores themes of interconnectedness and the impact of our choices on the future.
A con man named Irving Rosenfeld and his partner Sydney Prosser are coerced into working for an FBI agent named Richie DiMaso. Together, they navigate the dangerous world of Jersey powerbrokers and the Mafia.
Centuries after the events of Saga Brave, a third race called the Mauve has emerged alongside Humans and Mazoku. Identified by their purple blood and immense intelligence, the Mauve are shunned by the other two races and are viewed as a threat to the peace of the world. Having experienced this prejudice first-hand, a teenage Mauve named Galette Revolt journeys forth to find a way for all races to understand each other by playing Battle Spirits. However, other factions from each race aim to maintain the peace/reform the world through more nefarious ways...
In a remote village set in a tropical rainforest, unexplainable supernatural events begin to occur. The villagers believe that these occurrences are caused by supernatural powers.
A thought provoking documentary feature film providing a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of signals intelligence over the past century. Whether you're intrigued by the secretive world of intelligence agencies or concerned about the implications of digital surveillance, this film will leave you with a deeper understanding of the role signals intelligence plays in society.
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