Homeland is a captivating TV show that follows the story of Carrie Mathison, a bipolar CIA officer who becomes obsessed with capturing terrorists. As she navigates the murky world of intelligence and counter-terrorism, she must battle her own personal demons and the betrayals within her own agency. With its intense plot and thought-provoking themes, Homeland keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
After learning that the death of his wife was not an accident, a former CIA Station Chief is forced back into the espionage underworld, teaming up with an adversary to unravel a conspiracy that challenges everything he thought he knew.
An idealistic FBI agent named Kate Macer gets enlisted by a government task force led by Matt Graver and Alejandro Gillick to help combat the escalating drug trade between the US and Mexico. As she works with the task force, Kate begins to question their illegal and questionable methods. She soon discovers that their true objective is not to bring down a cartel lieutenant, but to disrupt the drug operations to draw out the elusive cartel drug lord. Kate finds herself caught in a dangerous situation as she becomes entangled in the dark and violent world of the drug war.
In the TV show Golden Years, a group of elderly people in a nursing home start experiencing reverse-aging after a freak accident. As they begin to grow younger, they become targets of a sinister government agency. They must band together and go on the run to uncover the truth and evade capture, all while dealing with the challenges of their rejuvenation. Based on the works of Stephen King, this miniseries is filled with suspense, violence, and a thrilling chase as the characters try to escape their pursuers.
In the Line of Duty 4 (1989) is an action-packed crime movie that follows the story of a talented CIA agent as she fights to protect witnesses from dangerous criminals. It features thrilling martial arts scenes and explores the complex world of international espionage.
Hangmen is a thrilling action movie set in New York City. It revolves around a man who becomes a vigilante after his loved ones are murdered. Filled with violence, terrorism and revenge, Hangmen takes the viewers on a wild ride with intense action sequences and unexpected twists.
In Timebomb, a man discovers a bomb implanted in his chest and realizes he only has a few hours to find and disarm it. As he navigates through a web of political conspiracy and cover-ups, he becomes entangled in a thrilling race against time to save himself and uncover the truth.
Startling medical observations about JFK's wounds when seven doctors who were in the Parkland Hospital ER reunite to discuss a day none of them can forget.
A documentary that reveals the truth behind the Panama invasion and the manufacturing of consent. It exposes the media bias, war propaganda, and abuse of power by the military-industrial complex. The film investigates the CIA's involvement in drug trafficking and the brutal treatment of Panamanian citizens.
After Laura's husband James is murdered, she decides to find out who did it and why. She finds herself in a fight against an anti-terrorist organization in her desire for revenge.
At the height of the cold war, the C.I.A. secretly funded Dr. Ewen Cameron, director of the Allan Memorial Institute, and his experimental research into brainwashing techniques. Twenty-five years later, the last nine survivors of those gruesome experiments fight to expose the truth...of The Sleep Room.
A revealing documentary that delves into the various conspiracy theories surrounding the events of September 11th, exposing the alleged deception behind them. The film provides a critical examination and analysis of the alternative explanations put forward by skeptics.
Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair is a documentary film that delves into the hidden details of the Iran Contra Affair, a scandal involving the Reagan administration's covert dealings with Iran and Nicaragua. It explores the web of deception, government cover-ups, and the abuse of power that surrounded the affair. Through interviews, archive footage, and in-depth research, the film reveals the dark underbelly of the affair and exposes the deep-state conspiracy that orchestrated it.
In 1970, at the height of the Vietnam War and on the heels of Nixon's announcement that U.S. troops would invade Cambodia, a mild-mannered English professor at UC Berkeley completed a startling book called The War Conspiracy. Yet, despite the fact that the author's publisher was Bobbs Merrill, a major literary brand, the book never reached the public domain. Little did the professor know there were powerful forces working behind the scenes to prevent its release. He would later discover that through its ties to ITT, a major shareholder in Bobbs Merrill, the Central Intelligence Agency was able to suppress the book.
Tracking the covert history of CIA drug smuggling from Nicaragua to Arkansas and South Central Los Angeles, GNN sheds light on the darkest secret of the Agency's operational directorate. Cut to the ambient Hip Hop loops of DJ Trek-e, Crack The CIA features explosive footage of Mike Ruppert's historical televised confrontation with CIA Director John Deutch.
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