Yumi's Cells follows the life of Yumi, a game developer working at an office. The show explores her personal growth, friendship, and romantic relationships, all depicted through the inner workings of her brain cells. It combines live-action and animation to present a unique and humorous perspective of a career woman's life.
Follow the life and work of Korea's most notorious scientist, Hwang Woo-suk, as he delves into human cloning research and faces a scandalous downfall.
Examines cells in plants and animals, explaining that each cell has a different job to do. Uses drawings and microphotography to observe the details of cell structure. Shows the process of cell division for both growth and reproduction.
Not to be confused with the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. This year's theme was "baby."
In the old city of Vienna, a young rebellious girl discovers, that she is part of a new species named: Cell reader. Knowing that she is half human half Cell reader, she is forced to choose a side.
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