Lillie is a captivating TV mini-series that explores the life of Lillie Langtry, a British actress and mistress of King Edward VII. The show delves into her tumultuous love life, including her loveless marriage and forbidden affairs. Set against the backdrop of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Lillie is a captivating journey through history, scandal, and high society.
In 1988, Chilean dictator Pinochet holds a referendum on his presidency. A clever and unorthodox advertising campaign tries to convince the Chilean people to vote 'no' and oust the dictator. The campaign faces government intimidation, police riots, and threats from the opposition. The protagonist, an advertising director, navigates through a treacherous political landscape while facing personal challenges.
Set in 1920s Oxford, a working-class woman named Clarice defies societal expectations and discrimination to pursue her passion for painting and design. She faces numerous challenges, including sexism, the Great Depression, and personal betrayals, but ultimately rises above it all to achieve success.
A Ballerina's Tale (2015) follows the story of a prima ballerina as she navigates through the challenges of stereotypes in the ballet industry. The documentary explores her focused dedication, pain tolerance, and making history in the ballet world. It also delves into her journey of overcoming a tibia fracture and the physical therapy she underwent to continue pursuing her passion. The film highlights her achievements with the American Ballet Theatre and captures her rise to success.
Pegah Ahangarani sets out on a one woman manhunt for Masoud Dehnamaki.
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