CSI: Miami follows a group of dedicated forensic investigators who use cutting-edge scientific methods and old-fashioned police work to solve crimes in the glamorous and steamy Miami. Despite mysterious and puzzling cases, they must deal with personal and professional challenges, all while ensuring that justice is served.
CSI: NY follows a team of forensic investigators who solve crimes in New York City using scientific evidence. The show explores various crimes and mysteries, delving into the personal lives of the investigators and the challenges they face.
A father and son, both coroners, are pulled into a complex mystery while attempting to identify the cause of death of a young woman, who was apparently harboring dark secrets. As they perform the autopsy, they uncover a series of weird and creepy secrets about the woman, including her connection to a murder case being investigated by Sheriff Sheldon and his team. The night becomes stormy and tragic as the coroners delve deeper into the enigma of Jane Doe.
While detectives search for clues among the living, veteran Dauphin County, PA, coroner Graham Hetrick uncovers secrets of the dead. Each episode features a stylized re-enactment of a compelling homicide case taken directly from Hetrick's files. As viewers are led through a series of twists and turns, Hetrick peels back the layers of the investigation to reveal how the murder happened and who is to blame.
Intolerance is a 2021 drama movie that explores the repercussions of hatred and prejudice in society. The film delves into the life of a Japanese father who faces the tragic events triggered by shoplifting, mass media, and self-hatred. It explores themes of death, accidental deaths, and the impact of media reporting on the lives of teenagers.
In Hungary, a rich baron discovers that there are extensive oil deposits underneath nearby properties owned by villagers. He manages to convince all the property owners to sell to him, except for a few properties owned by Jewish families. Infuriated at their refusal to sell to him, he attempts, with the help of some corrupt local police, to have the men charged with the murder of a local woman, who in reality actually committed suicide.
Colonel Maurice Taylor of the Royal Flying Corps is hopelessly injured in an airplane crash immediately following his marriage to Stella. Maurice is non-functional in most of the physical areas of marriage that count, but Stella attends to his other needs faithfully for three years. Then his brother, Colin, shows up from South America, and he and Stella fall passionately in love and are making plans to run away together. Mother Taylor is aware of the romance, as is Nurse Weyland, who is secretly in love with Maurice, and now hates Stella for her careless attitude toward Maurice's patiently-borne sufferings. Maurice is also aware of the affair. He has a talk with his wife and brother. Complications arise.
In Yakoutia, a forgotten province of Siberia, an anthropologist Eric Crubezy has unearthed a strange tomb containing the body of a woman with her eyes covered and clothed in a garment of pearls. Who was she? Why were her sleeves sewn closed at the ends? Princess or shaman? Set up like a detective film, this film documents the scientific investigation into this mysterious woman's identity.
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