Saint Amour is a comedy-drama film that follows a father and son who embark on a wine-tasting road trip across France. Along the way, they encounter various comedic and dramatic situations, including encounters with twin sisters, a female-female kiss, and a drunken taxi driver. As they visit different vineyards and attend an agricultural show, their relationship is tested and they learn more about themselves and each other.
Normandy Nude is a comedy-drama movie set in a small town in Normandy, France. The story revolves around a small-town mayor who hires an American photographer to take pictures of the countryside. However, everything goes hilariously wrong when the photographer accidentally captures a group of nude protestors and the town's conservative values are challenged. Amidst misunderstandings, romantic entanglements, and a farm crisis, the mayor and the photographer must navigate the chaos and find a way to save the town. With themes of small-town life, conflicts, and unexpected friendships, Normandy Nude is a heartwarming and humorous exploration of life in a rural setting.
In 1939 Ireland, a young man decides to lead a forty mile cattle drive rather than selling his cattle to an unscrupulous local buyer.
A middle-aged bachelor farmer living in rural Ireland has to deal with isolation and loneliness.
Park ranger Steve Mitchell is torn between Lee, a beautiful sly political aide from Melbourne who supports the government's decision to turn the local grazing areas into a national park, and his old flame Joanna, a rancher who opposes it.
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