Cat Sick Blues is a twisted comedy horror that follows the story of a cat-themed serial killer named Ted. After his beloved cat dies, Ted spirals into madness and goes on a killing spree, dressing up as a cat and murdering random people. As the body count rises, Ted's grasp on reality becomes increasingly distorted.
Sam (Catman) and Gus are back to work in this movie. With Cheever dead, his old gang needs a new leader, so by having some random people beat each other up, they discover this big tall guy who only wears fatigues and seems to be strong so they make him the leader. Later on, some CIA agent finds out that some woman affiliated with the Cheever gang has a nuclear starter or something and will only give it up for a lot of money. Sam and Gus then go on a mission to get it back and save the world. Like the first in the "Catman" series, this movie also includes various scenes of Asian people beating each other up for no real reason. In this movie, the Asian guys actually speak of Cheever at one point (providing a minor link between the two plots), but that's really about it.
In Zeus le chat, a man discovers he has the ability to transform into a cat with the help of a talking cat named Zeus. The man's life takes a humorous turn as he navigates the world as a feline and explores the challenges and adventures that come with his new form.
A man in a mask interrupts a couple's alone time.
Inspired by a poem written by childhood friend Shaun Salom, James's production is a portrayal of how the town has changed, through the eyes of one of the area's most-talked about figures.
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