Spanish Affair 2 is a comedic sequel that takes place in Spain. It explores themes of national pride, secession, and Spanish holidays. The story revolves around a hipster wedding and a procession in Catalonia. It also touches on the topics of nationalism and the Basque Country. With its lively and humorous portrayal of Spanish culture, this movie is a must-watch for comedy lovers.
The Solé family, a family of peach farmers in Catalonia, face eviction when the owner of their estate dies and his heir decides to sell the land. This sudden threat to their livelihood causes a rift within the family as they face uncertain future and the possibility of losing more than just their orchard.
Black Bread (2010) is a crime drama set in post-war Catalonia. The story follows a young boy who becomes entangled in a police investigation when he discovers a dead body. As he navigates through a rural setting filled with disillusionment, he must confront the harsh realities of life in a society ravaged by war. With themes of revenge, homophobia, and the lingering effects of the Spanish Civil War, Black Bread provides a gripping and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.
Prades, France, 1940s. The exiled Catalan cellist Pau Casals decides not to perform any more in public until the fall of the dictatorship that oppresses Spain. Pierre, a young Frenchman studying with Casals, tries to convince him to celebrate an extraordinary concert as a tribute to freedom.
A dysfunctional middle-class family in Catalonia, Spain, navigates through various issues such as infidelity, manipulation, and loveless sex. As the husband and wife cheat on each other, their relationships with their teenage daughter and the family maid become increasingly entangled. The film explores themes of lust, shame, and desperation.
In Catalonia, Spain, three wise men embark on a silent journey to find the Virgin Mary. With very little dialogue, the film beautifully captures their long and arduous expedition, exploring themes of faith, religion, and the power of belief. Through stunning long takes and a biblical backdrop, the film invites viewers to reflect on the profound meaning of the journey.
A Thief's Daughter follows the story of a young mother in Barcelona who struggles with her past as an ex-convict while navigating a complex family situation. She finds herself in a constant battle between her responsibilities as a mother and the desire to break free from the chains of her past. Along the way, she must confront her father, deal with the struggles of being a single mother, and find a way to provide for her child. This gripping drama explores themes of redemption, family relationships, and the lengths a mother will go to protect her child.
Fèlix is a farmer who lives in the quiet vineyards of the Catalan Penedès. One day, he receives a visit from his grandfather, an old wizard, who asks him for help. Fèlix's sister, Sara, has been kidnapped by the dark wizards who live in the castle of the Sant Cebrià’s mountain. She will be sacrificed to the evil Wizard King Morden, who thousands of years ago was imprisoned by Fèlix's grandfather in that castle. Being Fèlix the only one able to save Sara, he will arm himself with his grandfather's ancient stick; he will walk to the wizards' castle and will cope with Morden.
A serious crisis has shaken Spain since the referendum on self-determination and the proclamation of the independence of Catalonia by the government of Carles Puigdemont, bold actions firmly fought by the Spanish government by applying the constitutional article that allows it to place a region under guardianship. While Spain is on the verge of implosion, Europe is holding its breath.
A native of the capital of Catalonia, the architect-urban planner, to whom we owe the Saint-Honoré market in Paris and the Donnelley Building in Chicago, speaks of Barcelona with infectious passion. "It's a unique city, difficult to understand with conventional diagrams, he explains, criss-crossing the main arteries of the city". It is an unfinished city, constantly changing, where everything has the charm of the unfinished". With a sharp eye, Ricardo Bofill observes and comments on volumes and scrolls. Standing, in the nave of the Sagrada Familia, arms outstretched, it pivots on itself as if to take in space. "You have to have your eyes wide open, move quietly, and at the same time remember what's behind. This is how we have the sense of space. Otherwise this art does not exist."
Spanish miniseries based on the life of the famous bandit Joan Sala i Ferrer.
In a world where farming is mechanized and farm animals are fed with products coming from across the globe, a young shepherd is trying to keep his practice sustainable by using ancestral ways to raise his flock.
Due to the increasing privatization of basic public services in Spain, companies such as BB Serveis are accused of misappropriating several million euros of public money intended to finance care for the elderly and other dependent persons.