Gummo is an avant-garde experimental film that follows the lives of various eccentric characters in a small town in Ohio. The film explores themes of poverty, violence, and social alienation, with a nonlinear timeline and a shocking portrayal of taboo subjects. It delves into the lives of outcasts, including a cat killer, prostitutes, juvenile delinquents, and a father-daughter incestuous relationship. It also touches upon issues like drug addiction, racism, and the aftermath of a tornado.
After a group of teenagers accidentally kills a clown during a prank gone wrong, the clown comes back from the dead and goes on a bloody murder spree to seek revenge.
In Untraceable, an FBI agent is on the hunt for a serial killer who streams his sadistic murders live on the internet. As the death toll rises, the agent must race against time to track down the killer before he strikes again.
When a college freshman, Sara, moves into her new dorm room, she quickly becomes friends with her roommate, Rebecca. However, as their friendship deepens, Rebecca's behavior becomes increasingly erratic and possessive. Sara soon finds herself the target of Rebecca's dangerous obsession, and must find a way to escape before it's too late.
Overdomineering female police detective Jamie McDowell still tries to run her 19-year old only son Peter's life although he is a builder who lives alone. She strongly opposes his engagement to Kelly Shaw, who he doesn't know very long, and forces him to bring her to diner, where Jamie and mother Susan Shaw repeat that mistake. After Kelly provoked her ex-fiancé Ray Rankin in a bar 'to test Peter's love' again, they part in anger. That evening the mothers, who went out together, find Kelly burnt to death in Susan's house; an expert clearly concludes arson. To her horror, Jamie quickly finds the evidence seems to point at one logical suspect: her son Peter...
J.T. is a heartwarming drama about a young boy in Harlem who befriends a cat. Together, they embark on a journey of compassion, moral reformation, and second chances. With the bustling streets of Manhattan as their backdrop, J.T. learns valuable life lessons while nursing the cat back to health. Set during the Christmas season, this film explores themes of family, love, and the power of friendship.
In 2011, the American government announces to the world that they have killed Osama bin Laden, the most famous terrorist of every time. His body would have been immersed somewhere in the ocean...
This documentary scratches its way beneath the surface of an infamous Toronto animal cruelty case, deftly exploring the opaque logic surrounding this macabre act.
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