Opening Night follows a troubled theater actress as she becomes increasingly unhinged during a play rehearsal. The story explores themes of artistic creation, obsession, and spirituality. The actress's journey is marked by encounters with an obsessed fan, a spiritualist, and a man who confesses his love to her. As the rehearsal progresses, the woman's mental state deteriorates, leading to a climax involving a bloody nose, a ouija board, and a violent confrontation backstage. Set in the world of theater, the film showcases the intense emotions and complex dynamics that can arise in the pursuit of artistic excellence.
Love Streams is a drama film released in 1984. It revolves around the lives of siblings who are living together and the challenges they face in their relationships. The film explores themes of love, divorce, and alcoholism in a raw and emotional way.
Gloria is a crime drama thriller set in 1970s New York City. The story revolves around a woman who becomes entangled in the dangerous world of organized crime. She is faced with difficult choices and must navigate through a web of mobsters, gangsters, and assassins. Along the way, she must protect a young boy who is in jeopardy and avoid being targeted by a ruthless hitman. As the story unfolds, she finds herself on the run and hiding in an apartment building in the South Bronx. With the help of her resourcefulness and determination, she becomes a strong and fearless action heroine. This gripping film explores themes of loyalty, family relationships, and the consequences of one's choices.
Tempest is a magical realist film that takes place in a remote Greek island. An architect, retired and looking for a fresh start, finds himself caught up in a magical adventure involving ancient ruins, a young girl, and the summoning of spirits. As he navigates the island's mysteries, he discovers the power of love and the importance of embracing the unknown.
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