In this parody of the James Bond franchise, a retired secret agent is brought back into action to take on a criminal organization and their evil plot. With absurd humor and hilarious situations, Casino Royale (1967) delivers a madcap comedy experience filled with spoofed spy tropes.
Being James Bond is a documentary film that takes a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the iconic James Bond movies. It explores the history of the franchise, the challenges faced by the cast and crew, and the impact of the films on popular culture.
Becoming Bond is a movie that tells the true story of George Lazenby, a Australian car salesman who became the iconic British secret agent James Bond. The film takes the audience on a journey through Lazenby's life, from his humble beginnings in Australia to his decision to audition for the role of Bond, and finally his experience as the star of 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. With humor and wit, Becoming Bond explores the wild and unexpected events that led to Lazenby's brief but memorable career as 007.
A documentary which shows the creation of Casino Royale (2006).
The stunts and action set pieces for the the 2006 James Bond adventure 'Casino Royale'.
A documentary about James Bond in the Bahamas.
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "Thunderball".
Short 1964 black-and-white documentary featurette hosted by Sean Connery and featuring the real-life inspiration for the character of Q, Major Geoffrey Boothroyd with a discussion of the gun weaponry used by James Bond.
A documentary about Ian Fleming.
A look at the life of Ian Fleming from when he was in Naval Intelligence as a Commander until his death in 1964. This docudrama gives an insight into what Fleming was really like and how he wrote the Bond novels.
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