In this parody of the James Bond franchise, a retired secret agent is brought back into action to take on a criminal organization and their evil plot. With absurd humor and hilarious situations, Casino Royale (1967) delivers a madcap comedy experience filled with spoofed spy tropes.
Bernie Lootz is a jinxed casino 'cooler' whose bad luck rubs off on anyone around him. When he falls in love with a waitress named Natalie, he decides to break free from the mob's control and escape his life of misery.
Long Day's Journey Into Night follows the Tyrone family as they confront their deepest demons, including addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness, in their opulent Connecticut home. Set in the early 1910s, the film explores the complicated dynamics between family members and the destructive effects of their secrets and vices.
A prominent New York attorney defends his estranged wife's lover, who's been charged with the murder of a model in Greenwich Village.
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