Merbabies is a 1938 animated short film that takes place underwater and follows a group of adorable baby mermaids as they play and perform in a lively circus-like environment. Through magical materializations and dematerializations, they encounter various sea creatures like pufferfish, snails, starfish, and even a cartoon whale. The film showcases their adventures, including a sneeze that creates chaos, a seahorse race, and a hula dance performed by a mermaid. Join the Merbabies in this whimsical journey under the sea!
In The Whalers, characters engage in humorous situations while attempting to catch a whale. The story involves water thrown in the face, ducks, pelicans, pants on fire, ocean adventures, matches, half-dressed cartoon animals, goofy dog characters, Donald Duck characters, Mickey Mouse characters, whaling activities, cannons, buckets, boats, and various 1930s cartoon animals. The film also features cartoon pelicans, cartoon seagulls, whale riders, telescopes, characters swallowed by a whale, sunken boats, smoke from mouths, seagulls, sandwiches, ropes, iris shots, hats, harpoons, gunpowder, fire, characters' mouths and eyes filling the screen, burns on the butt, breathing fire, bells, barrels, anchors, mice, dogs, cartoon whales, cartoon mice, cartoon ducks, characters setting themselves on fire, and ropes tied to ankles.
In Hockey Homicide, a hockey game turns chaotic when Goofy is mistaken for a player and chaos ensues on the ice. With comic violence and satire, this short is a must-watch for fans of animated comedy and sports.
In a 19th century fishing harbor, the captain of the Komquot is obsessed with catching the great white whale Dicky Moe. His obsession unnerves his crew so badly that they all desert the ship. Shortly afterward, the captain finds Tom searching for food in the harbor, knocks him out, and takes him aboard. Tom believes at first that he is going on a cruise, but the captain soon puts him to work scrubbing the deck.
Pinocchio tries to save the Earth from Astro the Space Whale
A little boy wishes he could bring a Christmas tree to his father who is working as a weatherman in Antarctica.
Chilly Willy and his friend the polar bear play rock music, which disturbs a ship's captain.
Porky Pig inhabits an igloo in the Arctic, where he beds with a covering a several live, furry polar bears, bathes in a shower whose water instantly freezes into long icicles, and dances in the ice and snow with the native fauna. When a greedy fur trapper named I. Killem arrives to threaten Porky's walrus, bear, and seal friends, Porky acts to repel the trapper by firing a musket which spits out buckshot and explosives. Killem flees in what he thinks is a kayak but is actually a whale.
Sylvester Cat decides to take his son, Junior, on a fishing trip- inside a closed-to-business aquarium with all kinds of exotic fish, some not very friendly to Sylvester.
Sourpuss the cat and Gandy Goose are fishermen who end up getting chased by a whale.
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