In this delightful animated short film, Mickey and Pluto enjoy a day at the beach. They encounter a mischievous seagull, go fishing, and have fun with a yo-yo and a rock. The Simple Things showcases the magic of friendship and the joy of simple pleasures.
Tom and Jerry, the famous cartoon characters, stowaway on a cruise ship and cause chaos with their comic-violence antics. They flatten themselves, chase each other with dynamite, and even surf on a diving board. The ship's captain and the crew try to stop them, but their attempts are in vain. The film also includes a film-within-a-film, where Tom and Jerry play the roles of a cowboy and a lasso-wielding cat.
In 'No Sail,' Donald Duck and Goofy embark on a fishing trip but find themselves marooned on a deserted island instead. They encounter surreal situations and humorous challenges as they try to survive and find a way back home.
In The Whalers, characters engage in humorous situations while attempting to catch a whale. The story involves water thrown in the face, ducks, pelicans, pants on fire, ocean adventures, matches, half-dressed cartoon animals, goofy dog characters, Donald Duck characters, Mickey Mouse characters, whaling activities, cannons, buckets, boats, and various 1930s cartoon animals. The film also features cartoon pelicans, cartoon seagulls, whale riders, telescopes, characters swallowed by a whale, sunken boats, smoke from mouths, seagulls, sandwiches, ropes, iris shots, hats, harpoons, gunpowder, fire, characters' mouths and eyes filling the screen, burns on the butt, breathing fire, bells, barrels, anchors, mice, dogs, cartoon whales, cartoon mice, cartoon ducks, characters setting themselves on fire, and ropes tied to ankles.
In 'Cat Napping,' Tom the Cat tries to find a quiet spot to take a nap but is constantly interrupted by Jerry the Mouse. They engage in a series of comedic battles and pranks, including Tom getting hit with a baseball bat and nearly being eaten by Spike the Dog. In the end, Tom is left exhausted and frustrated, while Jerry triumphantly relaxes in a hammock.
Little Toot is a baby tugboat who would rather play than help his father in New York harbor. When he does finally decide to help, he accidentally causes a major crash and is banished beyond the 12 mile limit. But when a storm comes up and strands an ocean liner, he's the only one that can get there, and he redeems himself.
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