How a Mosquito Operates (1912) is a silent film that tells the story of a mischievous mosquito causing chaos and annoyance. The film showcases the mosquito's relentless pursuit of blood and its encounters with unsuspecting victims. With its hand-drawn animation and surreal elements, this early animation is a classic example of silent film humor.
Two cockney canines chase Sylvester Cat into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, where the cat drinks Hyde formula...
Felix the Cat travels to Hollywood, California in search of fame and fortune. He encounters various comedic situations and parodies movie studios and stars.
A sleepless Betty can't take the noise of the city any more, and heads out into the country for some peace and quiet. She soon discovers that the country has its own problems.
A mosquito army trains for, then goes on, an attack mission.
Snafu learns hard way the consequences of not protecting himself from malaria infection.
Rustic personality Trader Korn recounts his surreal adventures in darkest Africa, among the peculiar wildlife and the cannibals.
A haggard mosquito complains how tough life is with the military taking the proper precautions against malaria infection.
An interview with 'Tex Avery'.
Scrappy, his little brother, and the dog take the car and drive to the camping grounds.
When a beautiful princess escapes from the ink bottle, only to be captured by a villainous knave, Max draws a stove which he has Ko-Ko use as armor, inflates Fitz into a destrier and sends them off in a deed of daring-do.
When railroad boss Mr. Givney needs a pesky mosquito exterminated, Jerry is on the job. But Jerry's efforts bug Givney more than the bug.
The Inkwell Clown watches a mosquito land on Max's nose as the cartoonist tries to take a nap, and later finds himself battling a giant mosquito in his cartoon world.
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