A king and his hunting party shoot down birds. A magpie escapes the onslaught of arrows and wreaks havoc on the hunting party.
We see a house cat next to an unoccupied birdcage as he pulls a canary feather out of his mouth. Hmm, I wonder what happened? Now he hangs up a sign: 'Songbirds Wanted'.
Heckle and Jeckle of the Northwest Unmounted Police pursue the dreaded outlaw, Powerful Pierre.
A few weeks before this epic was released, the two magpies had starred in 'Free Enterprise', a cartoon that ended with them both in prison. 'Out Again, in Again' begins like the latest chapter of a serial in progress, with a nasal-voiced narrator informing the audience that "in our last episode" Heckle and Jeckle were in prison, and then picking up the action from there.
Heckle and Jeckle are stuntmen who try to sabotage the screen tests of the studio's newest TV star, Flint Locke, an actor who does all his own stunts.
Heckel and Jeckel fly over a country estate and decide it would do just fine as a nesting ground for them, especially since it afforded a few luxuries they could take advantage of. But the Bulldog guardian of the grounds thinks otherwise and makes his objections know. They object to his objections by attacking him with the croquet mallets, pushing him into the swimming pool and several other objectionable ways the talking magpies could come up with.
Heckle and Jeckle read in the newspaper about a reward offered by a millionaire for the finder of his childhood sweetheart. Since they have a storehouse filled with any kind of costume, they decide to collect the money by convincing the millionaire that Jackle is his lost love, so Jeckle shows up disguised as a woman---or female of whatever species applied. JUst as Jeckle has about convinced the millionaire that he is a she and his long-lost sweetheart, a slew of impostors walk in with the same claim.
Heckle and Jeckle's New Year's resolution is to refrain from any more practical jokes, but their attempts at good deeds meet with more hostility than their annoying gags.
Heckel and Jeckle decide it is too much trouble and time-consuming, not to mention wear-and-tear on their wings, to fly south for the winter, so they will pose as orphans and find some kindly old grandmother to take care of them when the snow flies. They do. But the kindly old grandmother turns out to be a disguised-wolf who has an appetite for magpie soup. This is not at all what they had in mind.
Heckle and Jeckle, the world's most famous talking Magpies, go on a moose-hunting trip. In order to get close enough to a moose to shoot him, they combine themselves into a female(?) moose costume. But the disguise is too effective, the moose is soon in love, and it appears a union that will produce the worlds first Moosepie animal is in the offing.
Heckle and Jeckle, the talking magpies, take over a timid lion who is working as an auto mechanic in a garage, and play several mean tricks on him, as that is what they were created to do. An ill-tempered dog arrives in his autogyro (helicopter car)to have it overhauled, and H & J lock the lion in the fuselage. When the autogryist takes off, the lion burned-up lion goes with him.
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