Kikoriki is a surreal and comedic TV show that follows the adventures of anthropomorphic animals such as a rabbit, pig, penguin, moose, hedgehog, crow, and owl. They encounter various situations and characters, including a robot and a ram, leading to hilarious and entertaining moments.
The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse and Heckle & Jeckle is an updated version of Mighty Mouse and Heckle & Jeckle cartoons from the 1940s. The television series was produced by Filmation, and aired from 1979 to 1981 on CBS with over 48 episodes produced. It is not to be confused with Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures.
Birdboy: The Forgotten Children is a dark and disturbing animated film that tells the story of a group of forgotten children who are struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. The film explores themes of addiction, loss, and redemption as the children search for hope and a way to escape their grim reality.
In Transylvania, a group of characters including vampires, creatures, and a two-headed creature cause chaos and hilarity in their quest for a magical word. The film explores surrealism and is filled with comedy and fantasy elements.
Two Mexican crows, flying to Guadalajara on the wings of an airplane, spot a corn field on the ground below and dive into it...
A program for radio KUKU set in the woods, mostly starring birds as caricatures of celebrities of the day. The MC is bandleader Ben Birdie, heckled by Walter Finchell. Wendell Howell prepares to lead a singalong; he gives several different page numbers in the songbook, then says, "Never mind, we won't use the books." The audience, responding "Oh yes we will" pelts him. Billy Goat and Ernie Bear introduce and sing the title song. Everyone sings along, except a fox, who informed he's singing the wrong song, responds, "Why don't somebody tell me these things?" We pan across a series of celebrity guests, like W.C. Field-mouse, Dick Fowl, Deanna Terrapin, Bing Crowsby, and the high-note competing duo of Grace Moose and Lily Swans. Tizzie Fish has a cooking segment. Finally, Louella Possums introduces a company performing a scene from The Prodigal's Return.
In an enchanted forest, a group of talking animals led by a courageous badger must battle against an evil king and his robot army to protect their home from deforestation.
Hearing that silver foxes are all the rage in high society, a fox paints himself silver and gets himself trapped, finding out too late that it's only his fur anyone is interested in.
Two none-too-bright Mexicali crows chase a grasshopper who outwits them at every turn.
Anxious to get to work with the big guys damming the river before the flood hits, a little beaver keeps getting in the way of their work. Finally, the foreman sends him off to chop down that big tree "way over there." Meanwhile, the flood rushes closer and closer.
In this animated short film, a mischievous fox tries to reach a bunch of grapes hanging from a tree. He repeatedly fails in his attempts and resorts to various tricks and schemes to obtain the grapes.
Buzzy the Crow is about to be eaten by a cat but the cat has hiccoughs. Buzzy, of course, has a few home remedies he graciously shares with the cat but none of them cures the cat's problems. In fact, all of them add to the problem. So much so, that all nine lives of the cat goes to life at a time.
Stranded on an island, the starving Fox gets sick of coconuts, but when he sees the Crow, he desperately tries to eat him, only to wind up failing in every attempt.
The fox and crow are sharing grapes while the crow reads a book about a similar fox and crow sharing grapes who eventually fought it out for the last one. What a coincidence... at that moment, there is only one grape left. Both try to pretend they don't want it but each secretly tries to make off with the last grape first. They try using a fishing rod only to hook each other. The crow sneaks across in a pair of underwear but is discovered by the fox. The crow tries sleepwalking but is again discovered. After feuding with each other through the phone, they attack each other and a free-for-all ensues. Finally, the crow decides this sparring isn't worth it and insists the fox can have the last grape. The fox, now equally courteous, offers it to the crow who doesn't want it. At this point, the feuding begins anew.
A hungry crow intrudes on a party honoring Speedy Gonzales, Mexico's fastest mouse, and tries to catch and eat some of Speedy's friends. Speedy leads the crow on a frustrating and violent chase that demoralizes the crow into surrendering and joining in Speedy's party, as the center of a dart board, and the target of a ball-throw.
Katnip has a cold and reads that eating a fresh crow is a sure cure. Cros didn't come any fresher than Buzzy, and when Katnip spies him ice-skating, he decides to eat him. But Buzzy has no intentions of becoming cat food and he tells the cat he has an ever better cure for colds. Buzzy brews up a concoction of pepper, tabasco sauce and mustard, which turn the cat into a fireworks display, and a blazing sun-lamp sets him on fire. The burning cat rushes out into the snow, which melts...and then freezes over him. Buzzy resumes his ice skating.
A beany-capped, wise-cracking crow invades a corn field owned by an elderly farmer. The farmer unsuccessfully attempts to kill the crow by using a gun, an axe, and a cannon.
Daffy owns a cornfield. A crow sits outside, dejected, because he's starving and won't take any corn. The scarecrow frightens him and justifiably so because Daffy is hiding inside with a shotgun.
The Fox, once again, is plagued with a toothache, and once again is in search for a dentist to relieve his agony, and he, once again, finds Mr. Crow, pretending to be a dentist. This leads to no end of painful consequences for Mr. Fox.